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THE SONG OF THE SHIRT (1979, UK, 129min)
Sue Clayton has also co-directed the avant garde movie THE SONG OF THE SHIRT which has enjoyed a recent revival and is now available on BFI IPlayer HERE
Co-written and directed with Jonathan Curling. An independent feature film about women in the sewing trade in the nineteenth century, about whom poets wrote, philanthropists raved, and finally government interest was stirred- bringing about legislation to protect them which formed the origins of the Welfare State. Made collectively with over 200 cast, crew, musicians, artists, historians, academics in various fields, womens' groups and trades
Sold to fourteen countries. Broadcast on Channel Four in its opening season of British Independent Films, 1983.

"A remarkably ambitious, multi-faceted project..
pleasure is afforded by its strategic variation of
image quality, and witty musical score"
She was recently invited to make a photographic exhibition about the film in London's Brick lane
which can be seen HERE.
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